Increase Profitability with a performance excellence program created by Dr. Charlie

Meet Dr. Charlie
Growing up in Northwest Arkansas and listening to her family tell stories gave Charlie an interest in stories and storytelling. While serving in the US Navy she gained an appreciation of systems thinking and continuous improvement. Over the years, she has worked with companies globally. She helps businesses reduce wasted time and materials, encourage innovation, and support their communities.
Ultimately, Charlie partners with businesses to increase their profitability.
After spending several decades working in organizations of all sizes and in industries from retail to manufacturing, she recognized that no matter the size of the company or the industry, the same problems kept cropping up, and often the same solutions could be applied.
- A volunteer member of the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council
- As a member of the ASQ Human Development and Leadership division, Dr. Charlie leads the Leadership Primer project as a part of the division’s Book of Knowledge initiative.
- Senior Examiner for the Arkansas Governor’s Quality Award. The Arkansas Governor’s Quality Award (AGQA) models the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The AGQA offers four levels of increasing difficulty for Arkansas businesses interested in using the Baldrige Excellence Framework to outperform their peers and competitors.
- She teaches and continues her research on small business excellence as a Walden University Postdoctoral Teaching and Research Fellow.
- Dr. Charlie’s research on AGQA recipients has been shared with the directors of state-level quality award program and the Baldridge Foundation.
- Walden University Leadership Excellence Award for the College of Management and Technology in 2017
Presentations and Publications
- Poster presentation at the Walden University Research Symposium, July 2017: Lived Experiences of Employees in Organizations with an Arkansas Governor’s Quality Award
- Too ‘Grown-up’ for Stories?
- Going with the Flow
- The 80/20 Rule and Why Should I Care?
Why work with Dr. Charlie? Experience.
Your company deserves an expert who can make recommendations and produce customized programs grounded in knowledge and experience.
Learn What Her Clients Have To Say:
Business Success One Step at a Time
Core Consulting Services
Business Excellence Practices
Storytelling for Success
Business Process Improvement and Systems Redesign
Knowledge Capture and Management
Organization Transformation, Reorganization, and Change Management
Operations Management
Core Consulting Services
Business Excellence Practices
Storytelling for Success
Business Process Improvement and Systems Redesign
Knowledge Capture and Management
Organization Transformation, Reorganization, and Change Management
Operations Management
Strategic Advising
Storytelling for Success
Strategic Plan Development
Strategic Management
Organization Transformation, Reorganization and Change Management
Risk Management
Business Excellence Practices
Collaborative Solutions
Charlie will collaborate with you on a tailored solution that combines:
Systems analysis
Process improvement
Metric development and analysis
Knowledge management, and Workshops
Small changes lead to big improvements.
Collaborative Solutions
Charlie will collaborate with you on a tailored solution that combines:
Systems analysis
Process improvement
Metric development and analysis
Knowledge management, and Workshops
Small changes lead to big improvements.
Get your Free Guide to Seven Action Steps for Business Excellence
20% of what you do produces 80% of your profitability.
Learn more in a one-hour, no obligation initial consultation.
Call: 479-282-6513